Unlike other organ infections, patients with atopic dermatitis often have a very long course of disease. As the causes are very diverse, it is necessary to analyze the living environment, eating habits and lifestyle in general over a long period of time. However, it is difficult to expect the detailed treatment due to the time contrainst in the actual hospital. Due to this situation, frustrated parents go from hospital to hospital to do doctor shopping. If you treat the patient without knowing what kind of treatment the patient recieved at the previous hospital and what progress has been made, it may result in steroid abuse by prescribing the duplicate drugs.
Immunity |
Know about Atopic Dermatitis Atopic Dermatitis is a recurrent skin condition with skin rash and itching as the main symptoms and repeating the exacerbation and improvement over a long period of time. It is often difficult to treat because it is caused and exacerbated by various factors such as environmental, immune, and psychological factors as well as genetic factors. In the past, the allergic reactions, which were abnormality in the immune system, were cited as the factor that had the greatest influence on the occurrence of atopic dermatitis. However, recently, it has been found that abnormal skin barrier function also has an important influence on atopy. In order to properly deal with atopy, we must know why it occurs. Therefore, to understand atopy, it is essential to understand about the allergies and skin barriers. Why do allergic diseases keep recurring? You may have experienced that if you get the treatment from the hospital, oriental medicine clinic, or with various folk remedies and self -treatment, you will get better, but if you neglect it a little, it will get worse. This is because the treatment can improve the symptoms that are rising right now, but it is impossible to keep them from coming back as long as the cause remains. Just as the cold pathogens are everywhere, so even if you catch a cold, you can get infected at any time. Find the cause of the allergy Unlike the allergic rhinitis, which is relatively easy to treat with immunotherapy because the cause is often limited to one or two causes, the atopic dermatitis has many different causes. Although the cause can be inferred through an allergy test, there are many cases where the cause can not be found through the test, such as sick house syndrome, laundry detergent and fabric softener. So finding the cause is not easy. However, there are many unexpected cases where even one small lifestyle change that has been missed can dramatically improve the symptoms. |
Allergy |
Allergies and immunity The word that always comes with allergies is immunity. If you do a research on atopy, you will find the most advertisements saying that you need to boost your immunity. Various nutritional supplements are also used to boost immunity. But some of you might find it strange. Immunity is a function that protects the body from getting sick from external germs, but allergies and immunity that make the body painful. What's the connection? Understanding Immunity When various pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites enter the body, immunity exhibits various symptoms such as fever, cough and diarrhea to protect the body from pathogens. Various substances are involved in immunity, and the role of immunoglobulin, which informs the appearance of an external invader, is very important. When the intruder enters, it will be difficult to fight in the body after the virus or bacteria multiply because it is not notified at the early stage. Vaccination is what alerts you to intruders and helps you to prepare for them. How immunity works in allergy The immunoglobulin IgE is the one which responds to parasites. IgE sometimes responds to a variety of food and environmental factors, including flour, nuts, house dust mites, and environmental hormones. These are useless immunity to the normal people as it shows an immune response to something that doesn't respond. If this reaction leads to cough, asthma and runny nose, it is considered rhinitis. |
What is skin barrier? |
What is skin barrier? I'm sure you've heard a lot about the skin barrier. You have probably heard it in most cosmetic commercials. The skin barrier, which is called as the stratum corneum, is the outermost layer of our body that protects us. The reason it is called barrier is because it is really like a brick wall, with keratinocytes stacked one after another, and the space between them is filled with lipid components like cement. This barrier moves organically and plays a primary role in filtering out bad substances from the outside. Why does the skin barrier itself cause atopy? Patients with atopic dermatitis often have poor ability to form lipid components that normally should firmly hold skin keratinocytes. In general, healthy skin can bounce off allergens even if they come in contact with them. However, when the stratum corneum of the skin is broken, allergens easily pass through the skin. When the passed substance causes an immune response in the body, an inflammatory response occurs, resulting in red and itchy eczema. Eczema occurs when the skin barrier is broken, and skin damage to the area around it can easily occur. Additionally, moisture evaporates quickly from the inside of the skin, making the skin even drier. Effect of skin infection on atopy Infection of the skin is also an important problem. In the case of atopic patients, the antibacterial function that blocks the penetration of microorganism is often low. Additionally, in the case of normal adult skin, it has weak acidity around PH 5.5 that the bacterial infection does not occur easily. However, in the case of atopic dermatitis, the skin becomes neutral that almost approaches PH 7.0. In this case, the most problematic mircoorganism is Staphylococcus aureus. This is because the infection does not occur easily in normal acidic skin, but it easily multiplies in neutral skin. Staphylococcus aureus is very common and can be transmitted by just touching or scratching, especially with dirty hands or nails. It scatters on the infected skin, produces a toxin, which acts as a superantigen on the skin and causes the itchiness. Overcome atopy by strengthening the skin barrier This broken skin barrier plays an important role in causing atopic dermatitis. When a rough wave hits, the sand castle easily collapses, but the brick house does not. It is important to keep the rough waves (allergy) from coming in, but if you can't stop the rough waves, the atopic reaction can easily be prevented just by making the skin like a sand castle into strong skin like a brick house. That is the reason why we are paying attention to the skin barrier. |
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