


[ Understanding about Atopy Column 1] What is immunity? (Subtitle: The…

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Hello, this is Mother Doctor Min Ah Rim. Atopy is so common that it is not an exaggeration to say that 1/3 of children these  days experience large and small allergy symptoms on the skin. If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundered battles, so if you have started a difficult fight with atopy, you should know exactly what atopy is. This may be something you already know, but I want to go back to the basics and get straight to the point.

1. Allergies and Immunity go together

The word that always comes with allergies is immunity. If you do a research on atopy, you will find the most adverstisements saying that you need to boost your immunity. Various nutritional supplements are also used to boost the immunity. But some of you might find it strage. Immunity is a function that protects the body from getting sick from external germs, but how allergies that make our body painful has the connection with the immunity?

2. Understanding about the immunity

When various pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites enter the body, immunity exhibits various symptoms such as fever, cough and diarrhea to protect the body from the pathogens. Various substances are involved in immunity, and the role of immunoglobulin, which informs that an external invader has appeared, is very important. This is because, when the intruder enters and if it is not notified in the early stage, it will multiply. This makes it difficult for the body to fight with the virus or bacteria after they multiplied. Vaccination is what alerts you to intruders in advance and helps you to prepare for them.

3. Mechanism of Immunity in allergies

The immunoglobulin IgE, is the one that responds to the parasites. IgE sometimes responds to a variety of food and environmental factors, including flour, nuts, house dust mites and environmental hormones. These are useless immunity to the normal people as it shows an immune response to something that doesn't respond. If this reaction leads to cough, asthma and runny nose, it is considered as atopic rhinitis.

Therefore, in atopic dermatitis, the expression 'remove unnecessary immunity' or 'normalize immunity' is more appropriate than the expression 'increase immunity'. In the next column, we will take a closer look at the atopy.


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